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"Great wine requires a madman to grow the vine, a wise man to watch over it, a lucid poet to make it, and a lover to drink it." ~ Salvador Dali

"An ancient legend tells about Ampelos – the favorite Satyr of Dionysus. After Satyr’s sudden death Zeus turned Ampelos into a grape vine to comfort his son Dionysus. Ampelos’s hair curls become vine tendrils and his warm heart becomes clusters of vine. Dionysus taught people to drink wine and enjoy the taste of love and delight which Satyr carried in his heart."


During the festival "Young Wine parade" wine producers present in the unique atmosphere of the old houses their new wines. Tastings are accompanied by cultural events, lectures, devoted to wine, date information on wine producers.


The event ends with the "Night of Masters of Wine", during which the professional jury and the audience award the best young wines. New wine tastings are part of wine culture and an opportunity for manufacturers to advertise and sell their products.

Young wine parade

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